mardi 23 juin 2009

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends...

Hi family and friends!

First of all, thank you for supporting and voting for me in the Smashbox Cosmetics Cosmetics competition. I am truly honored that each of you would take a few minutes from your day and devote it toward helping me. Unfortunately I was unable to make the Top 20 from the public vote (due largely in part to the fact that I entered the contest during the final three days of the two-month competition.) However, over 900 votes in three days? Not too shabby. When I woke up this morning, I knew that there was no possible way that I would win this competition. However, rather than dwell on the negative, I chose to face the situation with an attitude that would make my parents proud. Sure, I did not win. But you know what? I had the support of my closest family and friends. That is top priority in my book any day.

Speaking of parents... Happy Father’s Day! And while we are at it… Happy Mother’s Day as well!! Growing up, Dad has instilled in the Baumert cherubs a "Power Triad of Euphemisms." I might even venture to label it the "Baumert Holy Trinity" to lead to success. Now, brace yourself… as this knowledge is power. And with power, there is great responsibility. Seriously, my father is the most intelligent individual whom I have ever encountered. Ergo, I would recommend printing out this list and posting it in a visible location in your house. I mean, I am just throwing it out there...

1) Slow is your friend.

2) The miracle of compound interest

3) Delayed gratification

Short, sweet, to the point. Yet, they go hand-in-hand. Remarkable, really. Slow is your friend. Now, this concept was developed whilst we, as teenagers, were learning to drive. Patience is essential in mastering certain skills, as well as learning how to wait for the 'correct' timing in life. Now does this apply to a race? No of course not. In fact, this would be absolutely wretched advice in giving someone in a 'need-for-speed' situation. However, patience is a virtue which I respect. Sometimes we experience a "waiting" period in life… a "dry-spell," if you will. Life is not always an extreme "up" or "down" roller coaster… learning how to balance work and play is essential… something which I have definitely not mastered yet! However, it is this day-to-day give-and-take which I am trying to experience. Learning to listen in the midst of silence. Patiently fulfilling obligations while waiting for dreams to come true. Slow is your friend.

The miracle of compound interest. As you know, the US Economy is not exactly… umm, 'thriving' right now. However, learning to save the nickels and pennies eventually accumulates into dollars. I almost never eat at restaurants in order to save money at home (ok let’s face it… I might as well put this culinary degree to use!) I adore cooking on the grill in Arizona. I experiment with a vast array of healthy foods every single day. I love to cook because it is an experience. A challenge. Walk into the grocery sale and purchase the produce on sale. Go home and create magic. Is everything a starred quality? No, but I will never know unless I am willing to try new experiments and concoctions (sounds like a magic potion). So continuing the subject of money conservation… I make it a goal to see how much I can NOT spend during the week! I know... "great day for a competition..."

Delayed gratification. Well, what do you know? This just fits in perfectly with the other two! (such wisdom, DJ!) As Americans, we prefer immediate results. A quick-fix pill? "Well, I will take two, since it will expedite the procedure." We enjoy completing a task and instantly obtaining the results. However, while delayed gratification is an incredibly difficult skill to master, it allows us to appreciate circumstances in life. To stop and smell the roses. The best things in life truly are worth waiting and fighting for… despite the need to have gratification immediately.

Now, a few more vital lessons/pieces of advice which are important, though not as essential to daily life:

With an Accounting profession, you will always have job security (Michael is a CPA and Stephen and I are in the process of earning our CPAs).

Stop the car closer to the curb than one might expect.

Never cry over broken/stolen articles. Replace them and do not dwell on the past. Life is not over.

Swim hard for your coach… thank you, mom.

Some of the Baumert wisdom. Cherish it. Embrace it. Love it. It does a body good.

So be willing to take chances! Be willing to dream big. Failure will happen, folks. However, dust yourself off and remain positive. There is always hope. Always.

Thank you again for your love and support. Although I did not win the contest, I won in life because I have the encouragement of family and friends. And that, my friends... is pretty special :)

All my love from Arizona!
SB :)

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Beautiful Girl! =) I love your wonderful stories and pictures.

I can't believe you got so many votes in only 3 days! You are obviously cherished by your loved ones, and by those you haven't even met! =) I wish I could have voted for you a million times.

Who is that sweet little girl in the picture with your brother? It's great to see your fam, and to see that they're doing well!

I would like to invite myself over to your house to sample your culinary talents. You can just move to Raleigh with me. =) Hahaha.

Miss you and your dulcet laugh!